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Experienced in Mechanical, Chemical, Metallurgical, And Corrosion Testing

Tensile Testing
4520 Willow Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44125
PH: 216-641-3290
FX: 216-641-1223

Mechanical Lab: Charpy Test

A Charpy test (ASTM E23) determines the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture. It usually comprises of three V-notched, U-notched, or unnotched bars of metallic materials.

Properties noted are ft-lbs or Joules, and if required lateral expansion and percent of shear fracture. Specimens can be full size (10 mm x 10 mm x 55 mm) or scaled to fit thickness of plate.

Test temperature is important factor. Tensile Testing's can test from +212 to -320ºF (+100 to -195ºC) 

NOTE: Test specimen orientation is imperative so the rolling direction should be marked on the test piece. Also include the test temperature. 

Not sure how to send a sample? Click here.

Specialized testing and services include consulting, failure analysis, reverse engineering service, fastener testing, scanning electron microscopy, welder qualification, materials and process problem solving,and miscellaneous tests on non-metallic materials.

Call Tensile Testing Today At 216.641.3290 And Speak Directly With One Of Our Experts.