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Experienced in Mechanical, Chemical, Metallurgical, And Corrosion Testing

Tensile Testing
4520 Willow Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44125
PH: 216-641-3290
FX: 216-641-1223

Sample Size

Tensile Testing Metallurgical Laboratory has many unique sample preparation techniques and processes. We can make and test a wide variety of sub-size, standard and macro size specimens. All preparation and testing is performed in accordance with customer requirements utilizing the most current specification revisions (ASTM, AMS, ASME). 

The following is a recommended size - we can work with larger and smaller pieces. 

Chemical Analysis:

Optimum size is 1" x 1" x 1/2" of metallic material for analysis. Smaller sizes, chips, fines, drillings, etc. may require a melt preparation of at least 45 grams sample material weight (Kelmelt charge added).


Flats: Sheet/Plate: 12" x 12" x thickness

Tube/Pipe: 8" length

BAR (round/ hex stock): 6" length

Finished Part: Enough stock to allow for tensile (For small parts send section of material prior to manufacturing)

Full Size: Tube/Pipe: 18" length, Wire: Minimum 24" length


Enough stock per piece for (3) specimens - 1/2" x 1/2" x 2" each


Minimum 1" x 1" x thickness or actual part (or segment of part.)

Salt Spray/ Humidity

Standard panels or actual as shipped piece(s)

Failure Analysis:

Actual failure section and/or assembly (if possible).

*Note: Do NOT clean the segment(s), ship as failed. Place in zip lock bag, if possible. Do not have mating faces touching during transit.

Please contact Cindy Tesmer, Ken Kasnyik, or Tracy Waugaman with any questions regarding sample size.

Samples can be forwarded to:

Tensile Testing Metallurgical Laboratory
Attn: Client Services
4520 Willow Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44125

Sample Receipt Verification: Client Services at: (888) 589-6040 or (216) 641-3290

Specialized testing and services include consulting, failure analysis, reverse engineering service, fastener testing, scanning electron microscopy, welder qualification, materials and process problem solving,and miscellaneous tests on non-metallic materials.

Call Tensile Testing Today At 216.641.3290 And Speak Directly With One Of Our Experts.